Dunno if you remember, but back in the day I had mentioned that I wanted to somewhat beautify the entrance to my home… Well, since then dumpsters have been removed, dust has cleared… but not much else has changed.
Time has passed and so have a lot of flowers that used to stand proudly on my door stoop. The succession went something like sunflowers, black eyed susans, some tree things… It just never worked out. Either they were devoured by some mischievous squirrel, their forgetful owner forgot to water them (watever), the wind blew them over, or they just wilted for no apparent reason. Until now, that is. I am proud to present to you my urban garden. My green thumbed mother helped me select Bridgeport friendly sorts of things and I think they are all very happy to be here. Please ignore the haphazard potting situation. One step at a time, people.
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