Hi peeps! I am slowly resurfacing… and while I may have spit up in my hair and a pacifier attached to my shirt, I am feeling quite cool in that I am able to be here, now, typing this. So, booyah! Plus, I just picked up a wubbanub pacifier with my toes, like six times. […]
inhabitat feature. my heart goes boom boom.
08 ▪ 14 ▪ 13
Thank you fellow Bridgeport dweller, Sherrell Dorsey, for the kick-ass B:Hive feature on Inhabitat NYC. Seriously SO flattered and pumped… not to mention uber grateful for the meaningful connections and individuals that B:Hive, our recently opened co-working space, has put us in touch with. Peep the article and you won’t be able to steer away […]
Why hello there OMG readers! Thanks for stopping by. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, so if at any time you see work that is improperly recognized, please send me quick note and I'll gladly update.
Similarly, all elements present here were created specifically for OMG and should therefore be credited appropriately if reposted. We like to keep things nice and friendly here on the web, you see. It's all about spreading the love.