Monarch Workshop

01 ▪ 07 ▪ 15

Hi peeps! I am slowly resurfacing… and while I may have spit up in my hair and a pacifier attached to my shirt, I am feeling quite cool in that I am able to be here, now, typing this. So, booyah! Plus, I just picked up a wubbanub pacifier with my toes, like six times. […]

inhabitat feature. my heart goes boom boom.

08 ▪ 14 ▪ 13

Thank you fellow Bridgeport dweller, Sherrell Dorsey, for the kick-ass B:Hive feature on Inhabitat NYC. Seriously SO flattered and pumped… not to mention uber grateful for the meaningful connections and individuals that B:Hive, our recently opened co-working space, has put us in touch with. Peep the article and you won’t be able to steer away […]