the lady with the glass eye

11 ▪ 06 ▪ 09

So Jordo, Debra and I were driving around the creepy, back roads of Bridgeport looking for this hidden gem.. What was it? Well one of our neighbors told us about this amazing, obscure place right near our house that’s located in an old warehouse… pretty much describes every place here in Downtown Bridgeport. This spot […]

finding the right boot

10 ▪ 12 ▪ 09

Hi there, beauties. Can we talk for a second… about boots? There is something to be said about a sexy, stylish boot that just works for you… whatever that means– Whether that boot happens to be a bootie, a wedge, platform, fringed, knee length, slouchy, studded or suede– you just kind of know when you […]

budget reality check

10 ▪ 02 ▪ 09

It wasn’t until Jordan and I sat down the other morning (well, actually I didn’t do anything to be honest), and crunched some numbers. We took a very close look at all of our income and all of our expenses… The program asks you to insert every single expense that you have, every single thing […]