and you thought we wouldn’t do it

04 ▪ 23 ▪ 10

well. we officially have not one… but TWO swings in our house. TWO SWINGS. YES! It was a surprisingly easy and fun adventure (well, I shouldn’t say that yet.. it’s still in the works). Only a few bickerings along the way so far (because I was trying to do another project in the kitchen and […]

Antonio treatment

03 ▪ 16 ▪ 10

Does anyone know this guy? Can you PLEASE hook us up. Antonio Ballatore is a pretty rad dude who won on HGTV’s Design Star… and I would let him makeover mi casa any day.

é bella. the best pillow in the world. seriously.

01 ▪ 07 ▪ 10

I’d like to share with you one of the most fabulous pillows I have encountered during my 24 1/2 years here on this earth. I have seen pillows… boy have I seen pillows, I have scoured the net for pillows, I have ordered pillows online, I have made pillows, I have brought pillows home to […]

office re-do with chalkboard paint!

11 ▪ 16 ▪ 09

So, I have a tendency to be working on 10,000 projects at once, have 500 errands to run, people to meet, places to go, calls to make, emails to answer.. you get the point. Sometimes when my to do list gets washed off my palm I freak because I can’t remember anything that I was […]

the midas touch… a branch’s tale

11 ▪ 12 ▪ 09

I was setting up for Halloween and had this idea to get a branch and glue black leaves on it. Don’t ask. In my head it was like, the coolest thing ever.. Jordo and I took a stroll down the street, entered some forbidden property surrounding an old abandoned warehouse that probably has squatters and […]