more new products to love

02 ▪ 19 ▪ 10

so maybe I went a little crazy and ordered some more from Sephora. This time around I got the Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo, which has rave reviews. I also ordered a new toner, as mine was running out (perfectly reasonable purchase, no?)… It’s called Pangea Organics Facial Toner… and it smells UH-mazing… and lastly.. I […]

how to treat your skin … on a budget

08 ▪ 11 ▪ 09

My dear friend, Allie, had tweeted me asking about less expensive beauty products. She was interested specifically in discovering a new face wash and moisturizer. Ever since I was little I have had an obsession with grazing the isles of CVS and loading my cart with anything that promised to do the trick. So, Al, […]

summer skin issues

07 ▪ 23 ▪ 09

If you tell me that you’re not a hot, sweaty mess during these nasty, humid summer days… you’re a liar. Jordan and I have chosen not to turn on our air central air because it just costs so damn much. Therefore we are usually hot, usually sweating, usually grumpy, irritable, and I am also constantly […]