Monarch Workshop

01 ▪ 07 ▪ 15

Hi peeps! I am slowly resurfacing… and while I may have spit up in my hair and a pacifier attached to my shirt, I am feeling quite cool in that I am able to be here, now, typing this. So, booyah! Plus, I just picked up a wubbanub pacifier with my toes, like six times. […]

Weekend Lookbook

05 ▪ 05 ▪ 14

This weekend swept me off my feet into the city that is NEW YORK. A few darling friends and I went in to celebrate Marcella’s birthday (the pretty, laughing girl). AKA, the wonderful friend and design genius behind this website and my sparkly new cards! We dined at delish Colonia Verde in Brooklyn, shared a […]

shiny and new. My business cards

04 ▪ 20 ▪ 14

Check out ma new business cards – holla! I’d say their having like, the best hair day ever, no? Designed by Marcella Kovac at The Bananaland and printed by the lovely sisters at Hartford Prints.