2 buck clip ons

01 ▪ 25 ▪ 13

This past week I randomly poked my head into a little Consignment shop in Fairfield, CT. Apparently it’s been there for 13 years!)… I had some major luck. I got these bad  boys for a whopping $2.00 … Yes amigas, you read that ish correctly. whoop whoop! .. It’s What I like to tall a […]

Sophie Vintage Shoulder Bag

02 ▪ 18 ▪ 10

I’m loving this Vintage Shoulder bag… If I spotted it in a thrift store I’d be all over it, but since it’s F21 I’m just not sure. I say that because vintage re-pros can sometimes look funny and totally fake… For under $20.00 you can’t go wrong, or can you?… Yay or nay?

Sis Boom Fabrics.. a heaven on earth.

10 ▪ 30 ▪ 09

So, a few of you may have noticed… many of you probably not, that I am less active here on the world wide web of twitter and facebook and whatnot when Friday rolls around. And NO.. I am not making videos about putting egg whites on my face.. that is strictly Thursday material. Where, you […]

finds from the elephants trunk flea market

08 ▪ 20 ▪ 08

So yea, these pictures are old, but when I took them at the elephants trunk flea market I always thought it would be cool to write a post about them and then I suddenly realized- hey, I have a place to do that. So, the following pictures consist of my favorite flea market finds, beginning […]