BEFORE & AFTER : office wall!!

01 ▪ 24 ▪ 13

BEFORE AFTER So it took a few hours and I did ZERO planning. There’s not one anchor in this wall, but I did find studs where necessary. So, it was done slightly correctly, but definitely more impulsively than anything 🙂 There’s something to be said for winging it. You can never be disappointed by not […]

it’s happening

01 ▪ 18 ▪ 13

My freaking office is like the never ending saga of never ending sagas. It’s clean and perfect.. then it’s messed up beyond repair.. then it’s suddenly throwing up more laundry than John & Kate plus 8’s house ever did see.. and then it becomes Mimi’s secret bathroom spot… and then I  clean it again.. and […]