How can I possibly wear this? Dealing with my “oops” purchases.

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So, I have this tendency to run through stores during season and year end sales, and buy anything that I think I might wear. Actually, I made that sound civilized. In reality, I am the girl running around the store with a pile of merchandise, so tall I can barely see where I am going. I find a spot in the store, so I don’t have to wait on the fitting room line (rude) and will camp out there, trying anything and everything on in front of the mirrors, in the way of everything. I know, it’s so annoying for all of you other shoppers, but when you’re in those dressing rooms and you suddenly need that romper in a medium, or those leggings in a small– you get the point… (and no, I don’t change change… It’s more like, I prepare by wearing leggings and a tight tank to try things on. Slip this on, slide that over it, bada bing bada boom! (You’re so gunna do that next time you go to a store. I know.)

Something else that I need to be honest about is my eclectic taste in clothing… furniture… makeup… just about everything. Some may call it ugly. I know, I know. Well, with that being said, my clothing choices to begin with are pretty unusual, so, all you turds, keep your nasty comments to yourself when you see what I’ve purchased. I’m kidding. I like nasty comments. well. no. Moving on…

Reason. There usually isn’t much of that going on. If there is something that I kind of sort of like and think I might sorta wear it one day when I do something that I would never actually do, but the price is just – omg – wow I need this… that goes in the bag. Well, I buy it and then it goes in the bag. Likewise, if I spot a piece of furniture or some crazy eye shadow on super sale– you betcha. I save it from the sale rack and give it a lovely home. Tags are never taken off and things stay in boxes, but I do smile every time I see it. It’s like a nice friend. Oh and no… I am not a hoarder. I know you’ve all probably been watching that show on A&E.

So after my crazy shopping experiences, when I get home to admire all of my new belongings this is what I do… Run up to my room (I’m so distracted that I might even leave the car running) dump everything out on the bed and try it all on again… (If Jordan is home, bags stay in car until he is up in his office. shhhh)… So, as I am ripping things out and trying them on with shoes, bags, jewelry etc, sometimes… well, a lot of times, I will pick something up and … wow. I just marvel at the ugliness and throw it into the depths of my closet… you know, in the “what if” pile. I can’t believe some of the things I actually allowed myself to purchase. I mean, Maddie! What the hell were you thinking. You should see some of this stuff… I will find it and take pics so you all can see these bad choices I’ve made. I mean… BAD.

Picture 8

And at this point, you’re probably like, “why is she telling us this…” well, my cute little friends, I have decided to make this a new topic here on OMG. From time to time I am going to challenge myself by taking some of these items and finding a way to work them into my wardrobe. I’m gunna give myself a break and start easy… and I do have something in mind that I am saving for last. Ohhhh boy do I.

I’m not just doing this to teach myself a lesson, no. I’m doing it because I truly believe that there is a certain element of coolness within these items, and I really do want to be able to wear them. I am just going to have to be more creative. Plus, let’s just face it, I am not made of moola, and if I can shop within my own wardrobe and reinvent pieces– I’m all for it.

Lastly, I would LOVE if you guys joined me. Either do this challenge on your own, or send some pics in! I’d love to see your challenges and help you along the way, as I will definitely need your help too!

And oh- last thing (for real)… don’t get me wrong- I LOVE most of these mistake purchases. I really do… it’s just that they can be well, impractical, loud, bright, scary… unwanted by everyone else who ever grazed past it in the boutique or department store. You get the point. Jus sayin’ that I’m also doing this challenge because I do want to be able to keep these mistake buys in my life.

3 Responses to How can I possibly wear this? Dealing with my “oops” purchases.

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