How can I possibly wear this? Dealing with my “oops” purchases.

09 ▪ 09 ▪ 09

So, I have this tendency to run through stores during season and year end sales, and buy anything that I think I might wear. Actually, I made that sound civilized. In reality, I am the girl running around the store with a pile of merchandise, so tall I can barely see where I am going. […]

a fun outfit!

08 ▪ 26 ▪ 09

My Gosh– I was SO out of it today… I think it had to do with sleeping in… very late… All I could manage to put together was this little number for you to admire… or dislike. Either way. Plus, my posts have been so wordy that it’s probably nice of me to give you […]

perfect winter attire.

01 ▪ 03 ▪ 09

the perfect winter outfit. made possible with LOVEMADDS jhana skull necklace. holler. LOVEMADDS by LOVEMADDS