Sis Boom Fabrics.. a heaven on earth.

10 ▪ 30 ▪ 09

So, a few of you may have noticed… many of you probably not, that I am less active here on the world wide web of twitter and facebook and whatnot when Friday rolls around. And NO.. I am not making videos about putting egg whites on my face.. that is strictly Thursday material. Where, you […]


10 ▪ 15 ▪ 09

Now, I’ve got a question for you, my lovely readers… petticoats. Fun and funny… or just plain ugly? I freaking love them. I own two, a salmon colored one and a hot pink one, and I do chose to wear them around the house over clothes, with tights, and any other creative way that I […]

finding the right boot

10 ▪ 12 ▪ 09

Hi there, beauties. Can we talk for a second… about boots? There is something to be said about a sexy, stylish boot that just works for you… whatever that means– Whether that boot happens to be a bootie, a wedge, platform, fringed, knee length, slouchy, studded or suede– you just kind of know when you […]

what were we thinking? freshman fashion…

09 ▪ 18 ▪ 09

This isn’t going into the oops purchase series because I bought it many years ago and had been thrilled with it for many years to follow. It is only in hindsight that I am saying, “oops…” So this is what happened… I was looking through some old facebook pictures and reminiscing when I cam across […]

Anthropologie, a heaven on earth

09 ▪ 07 ▪ 09

If I were to bottle up the feelings that went through my body as I stepped food into Anthropologie and sell them… well, I’d be rich. Errr… Idunno if people would actually buy them, but if they did– or if Madonna did and then told everyone how awesome it was… then I would be rich. […]